Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dustin Salter updates

For those interested in updates on Dustin Salter (RUF Campus Minister at Furman University in SC), visit this site, which is updated often. Please continue to pray for Dustin and his wife Leigh Anne as well as for his three young children, Jacob (9), Nathan (7) and Meredith (2). Also pray for the students in RUF at Furman.


Andytown said...


I am definitely praying for Dustin Salter and have offered it as a prayer request to everyone I know.

You may know more about this than me, but I don't think Perry Miller is as anti-Puritan as you noted in your review of the Robinson book (which, btw, I want to read); Mostly he's just a historian and literary critic. He does make the point, as does Weber, that a certain degree of intellectual/emotional schizophrenia can be traced to the Puritans, but I think that's probably ultimately true (just as the Renaissance Aristotelianism led to a rational unrest in England that culminated in skepticism.) Just a thought; I've really only read a few things by him. Weber, on the other hand, is dangerous. But GK Chesterton also loathed the Puritans, making the same argument that many have (colorless moralists).

also, does James know you stole Techno Prisoners?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just wanted to give you a heads up: