10. April, by Sun Kil Moon
Mark Kozelek (also of Red House Painters) does it again. Don't let the spring title mislead you, this is (like all of his stuff) autumnal music at its best.
9. Lambchop, OH (ohio)
For anyone else, a remarkable accomplishment. For Lambchop, another year, another album. I could listen to Kurt Wagner sing grocery lists, but these lyrics are some of his best.
8. Microcastle, by Deerhunter
Agoraphobia (the fear of wide open spaces) was just sitting there waiting to have a song written about it, and Bradford Cox got it right. Lyrically unsettling, consistently pretty pop songs.
7. Re-Arrange Us, by Mates of State
The pop album of the year.
6. Vampire Weekend, by Vampire Weekend
The hipster backlash is over, and what's left is a great Afro-pop album with awesome songs.
5. Vid og Vid, by Olof Arnalds
Probably my most listened to album of 2008. Simple, beautiful acoustic songs (in Icelandic) reminiscent of Joanna Newsom.
4. In Ear Park, by Department of Eagles
Best first half of any album in 2008. "No One Does It Like You" is my song of the year.
3. Third, by Portishead
Every song is intriguing, original and unexpected, start to finish. And it sounds like the band is done with their "album per half-decade" pace.
2. Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust, by Sigur Ros
Not sure why this didn't end up on everyone's year end list. Truly remarkable music.
1. Fleet Foxes, by Fleet Foxes
No one came close this year to what they achieved here.